Today has been an awesome day. I like Sundays like this. No running around doing lots of errands. No driving for hours to and fro. Nothing much to do other than what I want to do. Perfect.
So today I went to church, came home and made a super simple lunch, lazed around a little watching some TV (on the Internet of course), cleaned the closet, worked on PILES of laundry, and went on a walk. Now I'm back home, a little sore, but not too bad. I'm going to finish up the laundry, red up the living room and try to get to bed early. (Fat chance really on that happening. I'm not an early bed person!)
Our Photo Challenge for today was Daily Routine. Hmmmmmm... this could be a lot of things. Morning habits (no one wants to see that!), medications (how mundane), TV & web surfing (BORING!!!). So I sat and tried to think of something interesting. And it hit me. One of my favorite things to do and definitely a daily task, making lists!!!! I love making lists. And one of my favorite ways to make lists for here at home is to write on the mirror. So, that's my photo for the challenge today.
I have also included for my photos today a few pictures I took while on my walk (yes it was short, only about 1 mile in 25 minutes) and some photos of my revitalized closet in all its organized wonder. Enjoy!
My bathroom mirror. I always make notes for either the day or week. This way I know I'm bound to see them at least several times a day! |
Late Summer wildflowers still in bloom. |
More flowers. |
I really liked the way the sun dazzled by the edge of the tree at this angle. |
Sycamore Tree. I really like them. Big leaves, pealing bark, white trunks. So pretty. |
I liked this leaf. Not sure why, I just did. |
Beautiful oak tree. I've been wearing one of my favorite necklaces lately that is the Tree of Life. This oak reminds me of that symbol. |
More flowers. I had to be careful taking this because the wasps seemed to particularly like this patch of flowers. |
Another sycamore shot. |
The bike path at West State Street Park. |
Swimsuits all organized in my closet. Cool. |
Can you see the rainbow effect in the different sections? I really like organizing things. |
More rainbows. Sorry I'm just really proud of all my hard work today! |
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