
Friday, April 20, 2012

Sayings Saturday (a little early.)

I'm off work today.  Tomorrow I have to work a full, regular shift.  (Kid Fest in Athens at the Convo.  If you're in Athens and have kid, come and join us.  It will be a lot of fun!) So, since I had the picture, the saying and everything all set, I decided to go ahead and post my Quote for the week. 

While I was out hiking today, I sat down for a break and was looking at my ring.  I don't always wear this ring, but I always have it nearby.  It was my great-grandfathers and the date in it is 1910 (not 1916, that's just a scratch.)  I set the ring down on the bench beside me and took a few photos and frankly, I LOVE EVERY ONE OF THEM.  I love my ring, what it symbolizes and the antiquity of it. 

Anyway, I hope you like the photo, the saying and please keep in mind when I say, 'My family', I mean those of you who are friends like family.  You know who you are.  Always near and dear to my heart.  Enjoy and have a lovely weekend.


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