
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dinner, for grown ups

Tonight I cooked.  This has not been a habit of mine lately.  I have been horridly lazy and have not cooked much in the past several weeks.  I really need to change that.

So, I went to the fridge and cupboard looking for inspiration.  And I found it.  Sometimes I go a little crazy in the produce section at Kroger's and that is a good thing.  A very yummy thing.  My dinner tonight was comprised of Pearl Couscous, Bok Choy, Broccollini, and Garlic Bread.  So good. 

This was my first time cooking bok choy so I had to look up a few methods.  Sauteing sounded like the best.  I quickly cleaned and cut the pieces, got my oil heated (with a little salt and dill) and cooked for about 8 minutes.  It was pretty good.  It has a bit of a strong flavor, especially in the greens and I really liked it.  I'm going to work with this again.

Next was the broccollini.  I love this stuff.  Its so cute.  I've always been a fan of broccoli and this is a cousin.  For this dish I lightly basted the spears with olive oil, salted and oven roasted for about 15 minutes.  Really good and has a nice crisp texture this way.

Finally the couscous.  I've been a fan of 'traditional' couscous for years and a few months ago starting making the pearl version.  Cooking is a bit more than the little stuff but worth it.  I added a little butter, mustard and garlic salt.  Very nice and not too heavy.

All in all a yummy meal and definitely one I would say leans heavy toward my vegetarianism with vegan tendencies.  I hope you enjoy the photos.  Goodnight!!

Oh and in case you're wondering, yes I had hives again today.  I'll be calling the doctor again in the morning.  This can not continue!  I'm supposed to be going camping this weekend and have a procedure on Tuesday.  The doctor isn't going to want to put a tube down my throat if I'm all covered in hives, having asthma attacks and have a swollen esophagus!  Ugh!!!


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